I really wanted to try get this post out there before January ends and the whole notion of “New Years resolutions” start to fade away....Well its now the end of March haha. There’s a lot of changes that I feel need to be made in my life, and maybe writing about them on here will help me stick to them. I’m going to try type this as quick as possible (I’ve a lot of revision that needs to be done) nonetheless I’ll still edit it and make it a worthy read for you guys. So in no particular order I need to:
Open up:
For the longest time I’ve been feeling like most of the actions I’ve been doing are purely for the sake of others. I always tend to sit back while I hold my thoughts and true opinions to myself (and this blog). But I’m 18 now and I’m genuinely trying to break away from that shell that I put up around others. At this stage I need to start being more selfish , so if that means not following the crowd just for the sake of it.. then I won’t. As long as it satisfies how I feel internally I’m better off voicing how I feel about certain situations. Trust me, it’s actually miserable being around people yet not feeling like you can just strip down and be your true self. So from now on I’ll be putting myself first, my happiness matters the most to me.
Overthink less:
Since I care about what I come across as around other people too much. I need to start acting how I feel like at whatever moment without holding back. Whether I think that people will think it’s too cool or too lame, if doing something I like and feel comfortable doing then it shouldn’t be bothering anyone else. Because I get caught up on my thoughts, I can be extremely hard on myself and most of the times it’s for no reason. Imma just start being me and refrain from “living safe”. I need to start being more spontaneous and taking some bold new risks (not too extreme haha). Overall I need to adapt a more care free attitude to get rid of all this unnecessary thoughts.
Get more sleep:
It’s mad to think that at one point summer used to be the season where I’d be able to go to bed late in the A.M, for the first time last summer working at my job made me want to just get home, shower and SLEEP. It’s not exactly the case right now since I often find myself tryna cram some school work in before they’re due. Once I'm finally finished with all of my exams - sleep will be my ultimate best friend. But for now, all I can do is start calling it quits when I feel exhausted rather then trying to push through it, I’m sure most people can relate 🔋
Cut back on technology:
I hate it when I find myself wasting PLENTYYYY of hours on my phone literally doing nothing productive for that day. Before it becomes a proper pattern I need to re-evaluate how much time I spend on it. I’ve already set up screen time on my phone (it’s basically a new screen time management system on iPhone that actually helps you monitor and control your phones time consumption) it's also gonna be better for my eyes too. Staring at a screen all day can definitely worsen my eyesight over time.
That’s pretty much the mains mottos I’ll be repeating to myself through this new year. Of course keeping mentally sane and physically fit will be another day to day target that I’ll be working towards improving in my life.
Ciao X