EYEBROWS... Fleeky or nah?

February 23, 2018

So.... just to start of this “rant”, I have to say that eyebrows truly help to frame a persons face. So just like how everybodys faces are unique to each individual, so should the shape, colour and arch etc. of their eyebrow be. 

However, brows have always been one of them things that have always evolved and still continue to do so. It’s one trend that changes almost every season yunno.

I used to be so obsessed over trying to emulate the “IT” brows for ages a while back. I only do it now to try out different looks for fun. Even at that it’s always unique looks that I go for. But now whether I choose to just go out with my brows in their natural state or if I decide to fill them in, I just draw what feels right and what I LIKE. 

On that note here’s a picture of some brow trends these past few years.

Y’all digging it or nah?


Hmm, I’m not sure 

Oh hell NAWW 
Created with PollMaker

Also which eyebrow gang are you a member of?

I’m a .......

Created with PollMaker

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