August 22, 2018

So I don’t really know what kinda direction I’m going to take with this post, but I know for sure it will have to do with me listing out and discussing some insecurities of mine....

Of course only to an extent but hopefully whoever reading this will relate and by the end of this post feel WAYYY more better about their own body too. 

Let’s begin. 

Hmmm okay lemme number these. I think I’ll be talking about top 5 body issues I’ve faced in life and give some advice about how I cope with/ overcame them. 


At one point before I outgrew my older sister, people would often mistaken us for twins. We looked a like, seemed close enough in age, and were similar in height. But of course I was younger so at the young age naturally my older sister WAS at that time taller than me. 

Eventually of course I began growing more and she began slowing down. So there.. BOOM, I was automatically the tallest sibling in my house. And soon enough the tallest in my class in primary school too. Most of the people in my class were pretty short... well to be fair we were all kids which was normal. And me happening to be the tallest girl I guess sparked some insecurities within some of the other kids, particularly the boys in my class that wanted to be taller. 

Overall the teasing was never something deep, just some nicknames that young me felt ashamed to be associated with, I hated my height. I always wanted to be shorter to feel more like the other girls.

And the thing is I kept growing and to this day I’m a considerbly taller girl. 

It wasn’t until I was in secondary school that there was actually people my height and even taller. Seeing this really made me embrace my height and I stopped trying to hide it and feel embarrassed by it

( I would never wear shoes that made me look taller before and I’d always try slouch my back to blend in more with the other shorter kids in my class)

So that’s all changed now, I ADORE my height....even though I still haven’t been properly measured recently. 



This sorta relates to the fact that growing up I was a tall child and was rapidly growing taller. 

So alongside with this growing height, my weight was also starting to increase. Although I didn’t really get THICC until about 3rd year of secondary school I always had bigger thighs. 

I noticed the first few ones I ever had form just above my knees when I was about 11 years old. 

At that young age I didn’t pay too much attention to them, since I didn’t even know the name of these strange tiger stripes that were forming on my body. 

Eventually though when more formed along the rest of my body I began feeling ashamed about them. This was when I was in 1st year of secondary school. And began watching all these “perfect” skinny beauty guru channels on YouTube and I began wonder why my skin didn’t look as smooth and clear as theirs did. 

It’s a completely different story now, most of my stretch marks have faded long since and I embrace them way more now. And not to mention I changed what sorta channels I watch now, and most of the ones that I did use to follow channels have died down in views. 

I mean having stretch marks is natural, plenty of people around the world have them. 


This is something that’s completely normal nowadays, if you’ve poor eyesight, you need glasses or contacts. Simple. 

But I guess back when I started to notice my eyesight was getting bad, once again I looked around the other kids in my class and there was only ever one person who wore glasses in my class. 

I think it was just a thing back in the day that glasses were just  not cool” and I really fell for the bait because for the longest time I was ashamed to tell my parents that I needed glasses to help me see better. 

Looking back at it now, it was completely ridiculous I really did make myself suffer for the longest time, trying to keep up this facade of having perfect eyesight and not needing to wear “nerdy” glasses. 

At the time I truly felt like if I said something about not being able to see the board properly that people would think I had a life threatening disease or something. 

Well it’s coming up to year since I spoke out and finally booked an eye test. And I honestly couldn’t be happier finally being able to fix my vision. 


Of course this stemmed from always being one of the two only black girls in my class throughout primary school. 

All the other little girls were white and had completely different hair types to me. 

Noticing this very clear difference I felt like the odd one out because my real hair just did not resemble how long and flowy the other girls hair was like. 

I didn’t really know what relaxers were, but my mom would relax my sisters and I hair and style our hair as children. At one point I felt so embarrassed to be seen with my type 4 hair without any extensions in it that I would dread showing up to school without braids or any thing else on my head. 

Fearing that there will always be that one kid that will feel the need to point out my different hair texture and tease me about it. 

That’s a completely different story now though. And if theres one thing I could go back in time and tell my younger self about is that my curly hair is beautiful. 💕 


This was something I recently overcame. I mean all my life people would always compliment my smile (and my smile) yet at the same time there’s always been people (and there still is) that said I need to smile more. This whole “you always look mad” thing is something else that I will eventually talk about but this all relates to my teeth. 

Earlier this year I really got into trying to whiten my teeth, and one day while I was really observing my teeth I noticed that the two front ones aren’t “perfectly shaped”. They’re not crooked by any means, but there’s a slight chip especially in the centre of the two that really emphasizes how they’re not perfectly shaped front teeth. 

Of course I told my mom....

And her response instantly brought down my insecurity over them. She told me not to waste my time or money over that little matter. And she shown me her teeth too. And said that she’s got slightly unevenly shaped teeth herself. 

So realistically I was worried over nothing, it’s completely normal. 

All them tooth paste commercials had unintentionally given me false expectations about how my teeth should naturally look like. 

Not anymore. 

I basically just exposed myself throughout this entire post... oh well. 

I truly believe that after reading this people will feel uplifted because although it’s a sensitive topic, all the issues I faced at the time were all dealt with and helped to get my self confidence at the level it is at today. 

Ciao 💛


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